Developing New Managers, 2 CEU


The purpose of this course is to help home care agencies create a program to identify and develop internal staff for management tracks so that an adequate workforce is always being cultivated.

NOTE:  This course is 100% downloadable with no computer use in response to demand for training with offline loading! This course offers 2.0 contact hours.

  • Clarify to workers how they might move from their current roles into managerial roles
  • Clearly identify strengths, areas of development needed for individuals as well as the agency
  • Gap Assessment with Tool to help evaluate needed competencies (individual and group)
  • Take the time to create a development plan with each new employee.
  • Identify Why You Should Establish Policies and Protocols for internal promotions
  • Know how to identify strong candidates
  • Work to support new managers
  • Understand why it is important to develop new managers and provide continuous growth opportunities
  • Understand that having adequate staff, means always cultivating and developing internal members of your workforce.
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NOTE:  This course is 100% downloadable with no computer use in response to demand for training with offline loading! This course offers 2.0 contact hours.

The purpose of this course is to help home care agencies

create a program to identify and develop

internal staff for management tracks

so that an adequate workforce

is always being cultivated.