Care of the Fragile, Ill & Complex Client, 2 CEU


Video program, 2 CEUs

Those who have complex health needs require both medical and social services and support from a wide variety of providers and caregivers.  Home Care Agencies face particular challenges in providing services and coordinating care for these patients. This program explores the current landscape of services for patients with complex needs, details characteristics of these clients, addresses the challenges of caring for these clients, and offers programmatic and policy changes that can help Home Care Agencies better deliver services to all clients, including those with the most complex health needs.

Learning Objectives
Who are complex, frail and ill clients?
Explain why the plan of care requires additional components with the Frail and Elderly.
Examine external influences that impact care of the fragile and ill.
Recognize special training and staffing considerations.
Identify KEY data elements for the Quality Management Program (QMP).

Assignment, Performance Improvement Projects or PIP, Nursing Care Plan Samples for the Frail Elderly x 3, Key Data Tracking Form,
Steps to Take to Start Program for Fragile, Ill, Complex,  Create a policy for non-medical assessment of frail elderly,
Common complaints from the frail elderly, Sample Skilled Care Plan to highlight client problems,  Sample Non-medical Care Plan to highlight client problems, Helpful format writing and scripts to use to clarify client problems,  Where to go to get common geriatric nursing care plans,
Sample tool for identifying client characteristics for frail, ill & complex.


Home Care Agencies face particular challenges in providing services and coordinating care for frail, ill and complex clients. 2 CEU


Learning Objectives for this 2 CEU Course:
Who are complex, frail and ill clients?
Explain why the plan of care requires additional components with the Frail and Elderly.
Examine external influences that impact care of the fragile and ill.
Recognize special training and staffing considerations.
Identify KEY data elements for the Quality Management Program (QMP).
Competency Exam
Course Evaluation

Continuing Education Units
Each attendee receives Continuing Education Units for up to two (2) clock hours of education at the successful completion of the workshop, course evaluation and competency exam.

COURSE MATERIALS are copyrighted. Paid attendees only may use training materials.