Homemaker and PCW Step-by-step Competency Training (For direct Obs only, no CEU)


Effective 2 14 2022:  7.6 in Chapter 26 for Training, Competency, and Skills Validation Documentation

(A) All training, competency, and skills validation shall be documented by the HCA.

  • Documented evidence of trainings, competency testing, and skills validation shall be documented with the date of training; length of training; entity or instructor(s) that offered or produced the training; a short description of the content; and staff member’s written or electronic signature or proof of attendance.
  • The HCA shall maintain evidence of training, competency testing, skills validation, and related certificates along with proof of completion in each individual’s personnel file.


Table of Contents of 24 step-by-step competencies and skills checklist

  1. Hand Washing
  2. Gloves
  3. Apply and Remove Personal Protective Equipment
  4. Bag Technique
  5. Bathing – Bed Bath
  6. Bathing – Tub Bath
  7. Bathing – Shower
  8. Perineal Care
  9. Shampoo – Bed (Tub and shower shampoo are included in tub and shower bath)
  10. Shaving
  11. Oral Hygiene
  12. Denture Care
  13. Nail Care
  14. Dressing
  15. Positioning Client in side-lying position
  16. Transfer to Wheelchair
  17. Transfer from Chair to Bed
  18. Mechanical Lift
  19. Ambulation
  20. Make an Occupied Bed
  21. Feeding
  22. Application of Compression Hose
  23. Toileting – Bedpan
  24. Toileting – Commode



Effective 2 14 2022:  7.6 in Chapter 26 for Training, Competency, and Skills Validation Documentation

(A) All training, competency, and skills validation shall be documented by the HCA.

  • Documented evidence of trainings, competency testing, and skills validation shall be documented with the date of training; length of training; entity or instructor(s) that offered or produced the training; a short description of the content; and staff member’s written or electronic signature or proof of attendance.
  • The HCA shall maintain evidence of training, competency testing, skills validation, and related certificates along with proof of completion in each individual’s personnel file.