Provision of Skilled Care and Services 2021, 2 CEU


This 2 CEU video course with Jennifer Windram, RN, BSN and former CDPHE surveyor reviews the requirements for patient care–from referral through discharge using Licensure Standards.  It includes a Brief Update to the Skilled Standards that became effective 2/14/2022.

CDPHE-approved online interactive training
The Provision of Skilled Services: From Referral to Discharge

Your care and services: Is your agency on the right track?
Are you admitting clients who are appropriate for your agency? Does your comprehensive assessment include all required elements and does it help you identify high-risk patients? Are you properly documenting medication management for all your clients? Are your nursing, therapy, social services and nurse aide services provided in accordance with regulatory requirements and professional standards? Does your agency document everything necessary when discharging a client?

If you can’t answer yes to all of these questions, your next survey could be a frustrating and difficult experience.

Our online interactive course, The Provision of Skilled Services: From Referral to Discharge, can help you ensure your agency is in compliance with all requirements and better prepare you for when the surveyors walk through the front door!

Workshop Goals
Attendees will learn skills and tools necessary to apply State Licensure standards in day-to-day operations of a skilled home care agency as well as how to assess and monitor compliance on an ongoing basis and avoid common pitfalls.

Workshop Content
This Certificate Workshop will include the following interactive curriculum:

Review of licensing standards for the provision of care, from referral to discharge, with emphasis on surveyor expectations
Common survey focus areas and frequently cited deficiencies
Formulating policies and procedures for the provision of care and services

You will learn the skills necessary to show a clear understanding and appropriate application of the Licensure Standards related to the provision of care and services to maximize compliance and minimize deficiencies. After this course, you will be able to:

 Discuss the minimum standards for the provision of patient care and services
 List at least three current trends in citing deficiencies
 Identify weakness in your agency relative to commonly cited deficiencies and common survey focus areas
 Discuss policy and procedure requirements for the provision of care and services

Workshop Handouts and Activities
Attendees receive chart audit tools, a sample of an effective agency policy/procedure for a topic under the provision of patient care and services, a sample clinical record form used to effectively document the provision of patient care and services. Real-life scenarios and deficiencies are used to demonstrate requirements for compliance.

Continuing Education Units

Each attendee receives Continuing Education Units for up to two (2) clock hours of education at the completion of the workshop, course evaluation and competency exam.

Who Should Attend
This workshop is appropriate for Administrators and Alternates, Agency Owners, Operators, Supervisory Personnel, and Quality Management Personnel.


This 2 CEU video course with Jennifer Windram, RN, BSN and former CDPHE surveyor reviews the requirements for patient care–from referral through discharge using Licensure Standards.  It includes a Brief Update to the Skilled Standards that became effective 2/14/2022.

CDPHE-approved online interactive training
The Provision of Skilled Services: From Referral to Discharge

Your care and services: Is your agency on the right track?
Are you admitting clients who are appropriate for your agency? Does your comprehensive assessment include all required elements and does it help you identify high-risk patients? Are you properly documenting medication management for all your clients? Are your nursing, therapy, social services and nurse aide services provided in accordance with regulatory requirements and professional standards? Does your agency document everything necessary when discharging a client?

If you can’t answer yes to all of these questions, your next survey could be a frustrating and difficult experience.

Our online interactive course, The Provision of Skilled Services: From Referral to Discharge, can help you ensure your agency is in compliance with all requirements and better prepare you for when the surveyors walk through the front door!

Workshop Goals
Attendees will learn skills and tools necessary to apply State Licensure standards in day-to-day operations of a skilled home care agency as well as how to assess and monitor compliance on an ongoing basis and avoid common pitfalls.

Workshop Content
This Certificate Workshop will include the following interactive curriculum:

Review of licensing standards for the provision of care, from referral to discharge, with emphasis on surveyor expectations
Common survey focus areas and frequently cited deficiencies
Formulating policies and procedures for the provision of care and services

You will learn the skills necessary to show a clear understanding and appropriate application of the Licensure Standards related to the provision of care and services to maximize compliance and minimize deficiencies. After this course, you will be able to:

 Discuss the minimum standards for the provision of patient care and services
 List at least three current trends in citing deficiencies
 Identify weakness in your agency relative to commonly cited deficiencies and common survey focus areas
 Discuss policy and procedure requirements for the provision of care and services

Workshop Handouts and Activities
Attendees receive chart audit tools, a sample of an effective agency policy/procedure for a topic under the provision of patient care and services, a sample clinical record form used to effectively document the provision of patient care and services. Real-life scenarios and deficiencies are used to demonstrate requirements for compliance.

Continuing Education Units

Each attendee receives Continuing Education Units for up to two (2) clock hours of education at the completion of the workshop, course evaluation and competency exam.

Who Should Attend
This workshop is appropriate for Administrators and Alternates, Agency Owners, Operators, Supervisory Personnel, and Quality Management Personnel.