Quality Management Program

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Not Enrolled
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This video program with Jennifer Windram, BSN, RN, former CDPHE-surveyor will engage learners to reach a better understanding of what is expected in the Quality Management Program from a Surveyor perspective. Please note that regulatory updates from Chapter 2, Part 4 are noted in the course entitled 2021 Quality Management Program & Plan.

Course Goals
Attendees will learn skills and tools necessary to apply State Licensure rules in the implementation of a quality management program and avoid common pitfalls.

Workshop Content
This Certificate Workshop will include the following curriculum, with interactive discussions, presentations and case studies. The curriculum includes:

Review of licensing standards for the quality management program
Common survey focus areas and frequently cited deficiencies
Methods to monitor care and services, prevent problems, and maintain compliance with State Licensing rules
Using the PDCA cycle to investigate and improve areas identified as needing improvement
Quality management tools used in analyzing problems and identifying solutions