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Avoiding Negligent Hiring: How Background Checks Mitigate Risk in Home Care

In home care, every decision matters. From oversight of the home environment to handling sensitive data, the industry demands trust and integrity. But how can you ensure the professionals you hire are worthy of that trust? This is where background checks in home care come into play.

Background checks are a vital tool in mitigating risks and safeguarding your business. They aren’t the only way (and shouldn’t be), but they can stop risk in its tracks. Many of the risks in home care come from poor hiring. Whether it’s hiring someone who has bad intent or is underqualified, it’s an easy mistake to make.
So how can you avoid it?

Let’s explore why background checks are crucial in the health care sector and how they help you make informed hiring decisions.

Importance of Background Checks in Home Care

In the health care sector, the importance of background checks cannot be overstated.
With access to sensitive information, hiring individuals with integrity is crucial for maintaining trust. These individuals have so much information at their fingertips that criminals try to get these jobs! You don’t have many ways to protect yourself and your agency’s reputation. 

With access to sensitive information, hiring individuals with integrity is crucial for maintaining trust. These individuals have so much information at their fingertips that criminals try to get these jobs! You don’t have many ways to protect yourself and your agency’s reputation.

Background checks in home care help verify a candidate’s qualifications, experience, and criminal history. By checking that hires have a clean record and relevant credentials, agencies reduce the risk of fraud, theft, or misconduct.

Investing in comprehensive background checks demonstrates a commitment to due diligence and regulatory compliance within the home care industry.

Strengthening Cybersecurity in Health Care Services
Health care institutions handle a wealth of sensitive data, making them prime targets for cyberattacks. One critical area for defense lies in thorough employee background screening. Inadequate background checks can increase the risk of insider threats, potentially leading to the compromise of:
Customer Data: Names, addresses, Social Security numbers, and account information.
Proprietary Information: Confidential information like marketing strategies, trade secrets, and health care plans.
Intellectual Property: Valuable assets like patents, software, and proprietary algorithms.
System Access: Criminals gaining access to internal systems can wreak havoc, allowing data manipulation and theft.

Additional considerations beyond background screening:
Security Awareness Training: Training empowers employees to identify and report suspicious activity.
Least Privilege Access: Granting employees only the access level necessary minimizes potential damage.
By implementing comprehensive vetting practices, home care institutions enhance their defenses against data breaches.
Building Trust and Security: The Value of Health Care Services Background Checks
Background checks in health care services are critical. They protect institutions, their employees, and, most importantly, their patients and clients. These comprehensive screenings go beyond simply verifying employment history. They provide insights into:

A candidate’s health care responsibility.
Essential licenses.

Minimizing Risk and Ensuring Compliance
For health care institutions, minimizing risk is paramount. Background checks are a cornerstone of achieving this goal. Many regulations, like those set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), mandate specific background checks for certain positions or business types. These checks help ensure compliance with industry standards and legal requirements.

Protecting Assets and Fostering a Secure Environment
The information gleaned from background checks empowers employers to make informed hiring decisions. With background screening, you can check a candidate’s qualifications and find health care vulnerabilities. This builds a safer and more productive workplace. Background checks are a vital defense against fraud, theft, and other health care crimes. These crimes can threaten an institution’s stability and its customers’ well-being.

Types of Background Checks in Home Care
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to screening. Health care services background checks go deeper than standard checks in other industries. Here’s a breakdown of what these checks might typically include:
Criminal History Checks: These provide a state and national (and sometimes global) view of a candidate’s arrest and conviction history, ensuring they meet legal requirements for the position. Colorado requires it be conducted not more than ninety (90) days prior to placement of the candidate.
Education Verification: This confirms a candidate’s educational qualifications, ensuring they have the skills and knowledge necessary for the role.
Employment Verification: This verifies previous work experience, titles held, and employment dates. The goal is to corroborate a candidate’s resume.
Professional License Verification: This confirms any professional licenses required for the position are valid and current.

Additional checks not required by regulation include:
Credit Checks: These offer insights into a candidate’s health care responsibility. The checks include credit history, debt management, and potential vulnerabilities.
Motor Vehicle Reports (MVRs): These reports provide details on driving records, license statuses, and safety records.
Civil Court Checks: These checks identify any past civil lawsuits, claims, or judgments involving the candidate.
Regulatory Body Checks: These checks contact the Department of Regulatory Agencies or DORA to verify whether a license, registration, or certification exists and is in good standing. These checks can ensure that the candidate hasn’t been barred from home care or any other professional office due to past actions.
Compliance with Special State Requirements: In Colorado, a home care agency has to prove compliance with the Colorado Adult Protective Services Data System or CAPS Check requirements as set forth in Section 26-3.1-111, C.R.S., and 6 CCR 1011-1, Chapter 2, Part 2.3.6.

Informing Hiring Decisions
This comprehensive information empowers employers to make informed hiring decisions. Criminal and health care checks identify red flags that might disqualify a candidate for specific positions or raise concerns. Additionally, factors like health care fraud history or outstanding judgments can indicate a higher risk of health care misconduct.

Compliance Considerations
Health care institutions must navigate a complex web of regulations. Employers can consult with legal counsel to ensure they’ve complied with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations about background checks.
Learn more and enroll in this 2-CEU course that includes Hiring Regulatory Requirements – click below:
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Ongoing survey readiness is a commitment to quality, safety and regulatory requirements every day. Get started today with one of these courses:

Class A Skilled Home Health First-time Administrator Training 24 CEUs

Class A Skilled Annual Administrator Training 12 CEUs

Class B Nonmedical Personal Care First-time Manager Training 20 CEUs

Class B Nonmedical Personal Care Annual Manager Training 12 CEUs

Basic 8-hour Training 8 CEUs

Part 7 Nonmedical Personal Care Standards 2 CEUs

Part 6 Skilled Standards 2 CEUs

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Advance Directives 2 CEUs

The Clinical Manager 2 CEUs

Consumer Rights and Responsibilities 2 CEUs

Ethics in Home Care 2023 2 CEUs

Nurse Delegation 2 CEUs

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The PLAN in the QMP 2 CEUs

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Root Cause Analysis


Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a problem-solving technique used to identify the
underlying causes of an issue or problem. The goal of RCA is to identify and
address the root cause of a problem rather than simply addressing its symptoms.

Root Cause Analysis is
commonly used in industries such as healthcare, and aviation, where even minor
errors can have significant consequences. The process involves gathering data
and information about the problem, identifying the immediate cause(s), and then
working backward to identify the root cause(s).

should we use Root Cause Analysis in home care?

general, RCA can be used in home care whenever an adverse event occurs, or when
there is a concern about patient safety or quality of care. It can help
identify the root causes of the issue and develop strategies to prevent similar
incidents from occurring in the future.

situations in home care where RCA may be appropriate include:

1.       Patient falls or injuries: If a patient
falls or experiences an injury while receiving home care, conducting an RCA can
help identify the contributing factors, such as environmental hazards or
medication side effects, and develop strategies to prevent future incidents.

2.       Medication errors: Medication errors are
a common issue in healthcare, and home care is no exception. Conducting an RCA
can help identify the underlying causes of the error, such as miscommunication
or lack of training, and develop strategies to prevent similar errors from occurring
in the future.

3.       Infection control issues: Infection
control is essential in home care to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
Conducting an RCA can help identify the causes of an infection outbreak, such
as inadequate hand hygiene or improper cleaning procedures, and develop
strategies to prevent future outbreaks.


Root Cause Analysis has
many benefits

  1. Improving processes and systems: By identifying
    the root cause of a problem, RCA helps to identify opportunities for
    process and system improvements that can prevent future issues.
  2. Reducing costs: By identifying and addressing the
    root cause of a problem, RCA helps to reduce costs associated with the
    problem, such as costs associated with rework or corrective action.
  3. Improving safety: In industries such as healthcare
    and aviation, RCA helps to improve safety by identifying and addressing
    the root cause of safety incidents or errors.
  4. Identifying the underlying cause of a problem: RCA
    helps to identify the root cause of an issue, which can then be addressed
    to prevent similar problems from occurring in the future.

Root Cause Analysis and Home
Care Deficiencies

The Colorado Department
of Public Health and Environment is responsible for licensing and surveying
home care agencies in Colorado. During surveys, deficiencies are cited for
non-compliance with state and federal regulations. Here are some of the top
home care deficiencies cited in Colorado:

Quality of care: Deficiencies related to the
quality of care provided by home care agencies, including medication
administration errors, failure to follow care plans, and inadequate patient
assessment and monitoring.

Staffing: Deficiencies related to
staffing, including inadequate staffing levels, insufficient staff training and
competency, and failure to conduct background checks on staff members.

prevention and control
Deficiencies related to infection prevention and control practices, including
improper hand hygiene, failure to follow standard precautions, and inadequate
cleaning and disinfection practices.

Patient rights
and responsibilities
Deficiencies related to patient rights and responsibilities, including failure
to obtain informed consent, inadequate protection of patient confidentiality,
and failure to provide patients with access to their medical records.

Documentation: Deficiencies related to
documentation practices, including incomplete, inaccurate, or missing

Deficiencies related to the physical environment of the patient’s residence,
including inadequate maintenance of equipment (when it belongs to the home
health agency), failure to report equipment malfunction(s), and unsafe



Here is
an example of RCA in action for a home care agency with deficiencies related to
documentation practices, including incomplete, inaccurate, or missing

Cause Analysis (RCA) helps a home care agency address deficiencies related to
documentation practices by identifying the underlying causes of incomplete,
inaccurate, or missing documentation. Here’s an overview of how RCA helps a
home care agency improve documentation practices:

  1. Identify the problem: The first step in RCA is to
    identify the problem, which in this case is incomplete, inaccurate, or
    missing documentation. This might be the result of a variety of factors,
    such as insufficient training, inadequate staffing, or a lack of
  2. Gather data: Home care agency staff can gather
    data on the problem, such as how often incomplete or inaccurate
    documentation occurs, which staff members are involved, and which types of
    documentation are most frequently incomplete or inaccurate.
  3. Analyze the data: The next step is to analyze the
    data to determine the underlying causes of incomplete or inaccurate
    documentation. This may involve using tools such as fishbone diagrams or
    flowcharts to identify contributing factors.
  4. Identify contributing factors: Through the
    analysis, RCA can help identify contributing factors to the documentation
    problem. Contributing factors could include staff members being overloaded
    with tasks, inadequate training, lack of accountability, or poor
    communication among staff members.
  5. Develop and implement corrective actions: Once
    contributing factors are identified, RCA can help home care agency staff
    develop and implement corrective actions to address the problem.
    Corrective actions may include additional staff training, changes to
    documentation procedures or templates, or the implementation of new
  6. Monitor progress: Finally, RCA can help home care
    agency staff monitor progress over time to determine if the corrective
    actions are effective in improving documentation practices. Regular
    monitoring can help identify if the underlying causes of incomplete or
    inaccurate documentation have been addressed and whether additional
    corrective actions are necessary.

summary, Root Cause Analysis can help home care agencies identify the underlying causes of
incomplete, inaccurate, or missing documentation, develop and implement
corrective actions, and monitor progress over time.
This approach can lead to
improved documentation practices, which can improve the quality and safety of
care provided to patients. The reader can apply these steps to any of the
deficiencies cited to drill down to the causes and develop and implement
corrective action. Monitoring is always part of the process even when we reach
100% accuracy because you want to ensure that practices are maintained with no
slack in the future.


The answer to the eNews question is FALSE. RCA is NOT used in a home care agency for every minor
failure and unplanned incident. It is time-consuming and requires analysis and study. For failures where effects are minor or non-existent or they are
unlikely to reoccur due to unique conditions, root cause analysis will not be beneficial.



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Online Training Platform for Home Care Administrators/Managers

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January 6, 2023
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Serving Colorado since 2008, CHCs online training platform for Home Care Administrator Training provides hands-on experience, expertise, commitment and knowledge of best practices and current legislation.

Each year we provide training and consulting to hundreds of home health care agencies and their staff of nurses, therapists, aides and other caregivers who provide in-home services to the infirm, chronically ill and disabled. Our online training programs provide comprehensive education for home care administrators across the USA. Get certified and stay up-to-date on industry best practices.CHC VIRTUAL CLASSROOM Administrator/Manager Training Master the Fundamentals 2023 Online Courses
We strongly believe in online teaching and support no matter your experience. Any user who would like a 1:1 virtual meeting for questions or an in-depth discussion may simply schedule it with an email or phone request: [email protected], (303) 548-4310.

Basic 8-hour Administrator Training.  The most popular course!
This comprehensive overview of compliance requirements develops your agency-wide quality assurance program that evaluates the quality of consumer services, care, and safety.

Approved for Initial and Annual Training for all agency types! GET BASIC 8-HOUR TRAININGQM/QAPI REVIEW. General Requirements Training.  Your quality management/QAPI program is one of the first things a surveyor will review to evaluate your agency’s compliance. GET QMP/QAPI REVIEW

Part 5 General Requirements Training. This two (2) CEU course contains a review only of Part 5 of Chapter 26 and includes Consumer rights, Discharges, Disclosure notices, Complaint processing, Agency reporting requirements, Personnel, Emergency Preparedness, Care coordination, Missed visits, Content for consumer records and Information management systems. 2 CEUs. Approved for Initial and Annual Training for all agency types! GET PART 5

Part 6 Skilled Nursing Training. This two (2) CEU course contains a review only of Part 6 of Chapter 26 for Class A Skilled Home Health and includes Governing Body, Administration, Annual evaluation, Administrator, Nursing/Health Care Supervisor, Personnel, Initial and Comprehensive Assessments, Plan of Care, Medication Management, Care coordination, Extended care, Skilled Nursing Services and more. 2 CEUs Approved for Initial and Annual Training for Class A Skilled Home Health agency types! GET SKILLED NURSING

Part 7 Non-medical/Personal Care Training. This two (2) CEU course contains a review only of Part 7 of Chapter 26 for Class B Non-medical/Personal Care Agencies and includes Governing Body, Annual evaluation, Manager, Agency training program, Homemaker and Personal Care Worker and more. 2 CEUs Approved for Initial and Annual Training for Class B Non-medical/Personal Care agency types! GET NON-MEDICAL/PERSONAL CARE GO TO HOMEHEALTHCERTS.COM

We strongly believe in online teaching and support no matter your experience. Anytime a user would like a 1:1 virtual meeting for questions or an in-depth discussion, simply reach out with an email or phone call to schedule it.[email protected] ~(303) ~
Approved Training by Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) 
CHC earned Approved Training Authority for Administrators and Managers in 2010.
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